Monday, September 10, 2007

I think my brain is corrupting.....

Ahh... This is nuts. I was playing sudoku, easy level on websudoku. And, my average time, after solving 18 games is 8 minutes. Where it should have been somewhere around 5 - 5.5 minutes.

I think all this duration, where I have not been solving any aptitude level exams, has caused my brain to become inactive. I must do something.

One more thing. Another challenge given to me. Do the swapping thing mentioned in the post I wrote yesterday, in one line, without making use of brackets. And the hint given is, make use of bitwise operators. As I already said, I cannot figure this one out. Not right now. Have a headache. Did not sleep yesterday night. So, I am off to sleep now.

One more thing I have been wondering lately is, which language I should learn now that I have completed C and C++. Python, PHP or Java? Can someone please suggest?


Anonymous said...

Learn Ruby! Python will also be a good choice. PHP if you are interested in writing/customising web applications.

Learning STL, Boost libraries to be a bette C++ programmer wouldn't be a bad idea either

Aditya Shevade said...

Thanks sami for the suggestions. As mentioned in one of my latest posts I have to learn PHP on order to make full use of a CMS (most probably joomla) I might be using for my upcoming site.

I have a book on Perl. I heard that Ruby and Perl are somewhat similar. (I dunno, I just heard). Any suggestions on that?