Saturday, September 8, 2007

One more sentence for the T-Shirt... or is it my life?

I was stumbling again, in the 'humor' section today. And came across a site. I quickly copied all the funny one liners from the site for our batch T-Shirt. Later I was surfing through them and found one, 'None of us are virgins, as life has screwed us all'.

Now, maybe, for some people outside of India, or even ones from metropolitan cities, this might be a routine sentence. But it is not the case with this place where I live. The more I thought about it, the more I began to wonder.... Is it what we, what I am doing with my life?

All I do is spend time on the computer and attend the college. When the exams come up, I stay up at night and study. And then give the papers. What the hell am I doing? What is wrong? Or nothing is, but the way my thinking is?

I need to sleep on this.

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